Product Class: Other

λ DNA-BstEII Digest

Product Introduction

  • Size range: 117 bp to 8,454 bp
  • Supplied with free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)


Catalog # Size Concentration
N3014S 150.0 gel lanes (0.3 ml) 500 µg/ml

Protocols, Manuals & Usage


  1. Suggested Loading Protocol for N3014 & N3012

FAQs & Troubleshooting


  1. What are the overhangs on the DNA ladder fragments? Can I end-label them using the T4 polynucleotide kinase (PNK)? What about the Klenow fragment?
  2. How can I quantify the amount of DNA in each band of a marker?
  3. Why does my Lambda DNA molecular weight marker appear smeared and not represent the correct banding pattern?
  4. Can I use Midori Green with the DNA Ladders from NEB?
  5. Can I use SYBR® and/or GelRed® dyes with the DNA Ladders from NEB?
  6. Why is my DNA Ladder floating out the wells? Why are there no bands visible in my DNA ladder gel lane?

Tech Tips

Heat at 60C for 3 minutes to separate the cohesive ends of fragments 1 and 4.

To make it ready-to-load, dilute in TE buffer instead of water.