BIOKÉ Webshop

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Enjoy the advantages of a BIOKÉ webshop account.

Invalid login

Your credentials are incorrect or you are trying to login with a non-existing webshop account. Our website shows product prices without login! Therefore webshop accounts that were only used to view prices have been deleted.

Please create a new account with your shipping and billing details if you would like to be able to order or view your discount.

Webshop under construction

Due to technical maintenance the webshop is closed until January 3, 2025. We wish you a successful 2025!

Forgot your password?

Don't worry. Enter your username and we will send you a link to reset your password if an associated user is found.

Need help?

Have trouble resetting your password? Contact us and we will help you.

You've got mail

You will receive an e-mail containing a link to start the recovery procedure within minutes.

Change password

Change your password to something secure.


Your password has been changed.

Password sent

You will receive an e-mail from us containing your new password in the coming minutes.

Please change your password to something memorable and secure upon logging in.


Sign out

Customer Support

BIOKÉ strives to offer the highest customer service.

We have the following standards to assure the best customer experience.

  • Next day delivery on most products.

  • Sharing knowledge from the life science industry with you.

  • Providing answers to every question.


You will find a serious dedication to customer care in our ordering process; whether entering an order, setting up your accounts, or delivering your products, we will always continue to provide our customers with the highest quality, dependability and value that you have come to expect from us.


Contact information

To answer your question as quickly as possible please contact one of the departments concerning your topic:

E. [email protected]
T. +31 (0)71 7200 220 (option 1)
T. Belgium 0800 71640
Contact form Ordering

E. [email protected]
T. +31 (0)71 7200 220 (option 2)
T. Belgium 0800 71640
Contact form Webshop

T. +31 (0)71 7200 220
T. Belgium 0800 71640
Contact form General

Contact us and our team will digest your question faster than most enzymes!
We will get back to you within 24 hours on working days.

  • Do we distribute in your country?

    BIOKÉ distributes products from various suppliers to different countries. Not all products from all suppliers are available in every country. Find out which products BIOKÉ distributes in your country.

  • How to order?

    More information on how to use the webshop, other ways to place orders and our conditions of delivery.

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