Overview : GeneMarker MTP - Multi-Template Processor Fragment Analysis Software
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Multi-Template Processor Fragment Analysis Software
GeneMarker MTP provides the analysis power of six GeneMarker programs; reducing costs while increasing efficiency of DNA fragment analysis. The automated import and assignment of analysis parameters (templates) is intuitive, reducing complexity and analysis time. GeneMarker MTP maximizes the utility of a CE plate – include up to 6 different chemistries on the same plate. GeneMarker MTP is rapid - processing six 96 well CE plates in approximately 30 seconds. Linked post-genotyping applications include: MLPA®, Trisomy/Aneuploidy, Cystic Fibrosis, Fragile X. LOH, MSI, STR Haplotype, ARMS®, SNaPShot® SNPs, AFLP, T-RFLP, Dendrogram Cluster Analysis, Relationship Testing, Database search, TILLING®, microsatellite analysis.
- Save cost when there are not enough samples from a single chemistry to fill a CE plate. Include up to six different chemistries on the same CE Plate
- Rapid turn-around time by importing six full CE plates, automatically sorting into chemistry specific projects and analyzing each project - 576 samples in approximately 35 seconds
- Increase efficiency with simultaneous analysis and review when two or more PCR kits are required per patient
Dramatically Increase Genotyping Analysis Efficiency While Reducing Costs… Analyze Results of up to 6 Different Chemistries Simultaneously.
Examples of analyses that may require two separate kits include: MRC Holland MLPA kits - DMD P034 and P035, FANCA P031 and P032; or Trisomy kits: Aneufast™ QF-PCR Kits S1/S2, MXY, M21, M18, M13; CyberGene ChromoQuant® 311, 313, 318, 321, 330, 412; Devyser® Resolution QF PCR or Compact QF PCR, Devyser® Extend kits for chromosomes 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22 and XY; GenProbe Elucigene® QST*, QST*Rplusv2, QST*R-XYv2, QST*R-13, QST*R-18, QST*R-21. GeneMarker MTP is compatible with commercial and custom chemistries; all major CE output files formats (.fsa, .hid, .rsd, .esd, .scf, .sg1 of (ABI®PRISM, Beckman-Coulter®, and MegaBACE®instruments) and with Windows® XP, Vista and 7 operating systems.
GeneMarker MTP Applications
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