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Cell Signaling Technology, Selling Direct-to-Scientists in England, Scotland & Wales

DANVERS, MA (PRWEB) – September 5, 2018, Cell Signaling Technology (CST), a leading provider of antibodies, kits, and services is delighted to announce it will now offer its products direct-to-scientists in mainland U.K. (England, Scotland, and Wales) as of January 1, 2019.

This expansion provides U.K. scientists direct, efficient access to CST’s high-quality reagents, industry-leading technical support and is the next major milestone on CST’s journey to get closer with its customers, harness real-time, customer feedback to inform and influence portfolio expansion, in order to accelerate innovation and advance scientific discovery.

“Scientific advancement is more than just our passion, it’s our purpose for existing as an organization. We are dedicated to enabling scientific breakthroughs and going direct in mainland U.K. brings us the opportunity to collaborate more closely with local researchers and provide personalized services, as we pride ourselves as being first and foremost, a research organization” said Michael J. Comb, President, and CEO of Cell Signaling Technology.

Customer satisfaction is not only our responsibility but also one of CST’s highest priorities. We are pleased to announce that our long-term business partner, New England Biolabs (UK) Ltd, will work with us to ensure all existing CST customers have a smooth transition through the end of 2018. CST will take direct orders, as of January 1, 2019. Customers in Northern Ireland, as well as the Republic of Ireland, will continue to be served by our distribution partner, Brennan & Co.


About CST

Cell Signaling Technology (CST) is a private, family-owned company, founded by scientists and dedicated to providing high quality research tools to the biomedical research community. Our employees operate worldwide from our U.S. headquarters in Massachusetts, and our offices in the Netherlands, China, and Japan.

Cell Signaling Technology® and CST™ are trademarks of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.

CST Media and Press
Rebecca J. Reppucci, MBA
Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.
Director of Marketing Communications
Phone: 978-867-2382
email: [email protected]

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